• Herbert Has Lots For A Buck

Herbert Has Lots For A Buck


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978-1-927063-23-1 | 2012 October | 230 Pages


Canada in the twenty-first century is a place of growth and expansion. Cities like Vancouver and Toronto have become word-class destinations for business and tourism. Meanwhile, smaller, less prominent communities face changes of different sorts, as residents depart for the opportunities present in our country’s largest cities. Nowhere is this more apparent than in Canada’s prairie provinces.

Despite changes in population and the loss of such essential services as schools, post offices, and grain elevators, many of Canada’s oldest prairie communities—communities like Craik and Meacham in Saskatchewan, and Vulcan in Alberta—have defied the odds, facing death only to rise again.

In Herbert Has Lots for a Buck, Elizabeth McLachlan investigates how these communities have capitalized on green initiatives, the growing influence of local artists, and even an uncanny connection to one of Star Trek’s most famous icons to not only survive beyond expectations, but thrive.

“If you have not thought of small towns since your own childhood, or since a nostalgic re-reading of Who Has Seen the Wind, then Herbert Has Lots For A Buck will take you back — to folks not backward about being forward. This is a book for readers from all parts of Canada — and for tourists too. It will renew your faith in human spunk, imagination and ingenuity.“

~ Lynne Van Luven, editor of Going Some Place: Creative Non-Fiction Across Canada