Molly of the Mall: Literary Lass and Purveyor of Fine Footwear
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Aspiring novelist Molly MacGregor’s life is strikingly different from a literary heroine's. Named for one of literature’s least romantic protagonists, Moll Flanders, Molly lives in Edmonton, a city she finds irredeemably unromantic, where she writes university term papers instead of novels, and sells shoes in the Largest Mall on Earth. There she seeks the other half of her young life's own matched pair. Delightfully whimsical, Heidi L.M. Jacobs’ Molly of the Mall: Literary Lass and Purveyor of Fine Footwear explores its namesake's love for the written word, love for the wrong men (and the right one), and her complicated love for her city.
- Author-curated Spotify playlist!
- Chosen as a 2019 Book of the Year on Pickle Me This!
- Avenue Edmonton Q&A
- CBC Radio Afternoon Drive interview
- CBC Radio Daybreak Alberta interview
- Edmonton Journal Inteview
- Western News interview
- Author Essay about Molly of the Mall in Orillia Matters
- CBC The Next Chapter interview
- Book Discussion on Daybreak Alberta
- Interview with NeWest Press Audio
- Winner of the 2020 Stephen Leacock Memorial Medal for Humour
- Featured in Read Alberta's World Book Giving Day Book List