• Talon


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978-1-896300-47-4 | 2002 October | 228 Pages


Rubis Caillou Morin is a widow, midwife, and faith healer from the Gaspé. Before her untimely death in 1873, she sends her young son west—to be safe and to help her brothers settle new land. The young Raoul carries with him a shadowy understanding of how and why his mother died, and a small red book filled with his mother's wisdom and love. The red book not only sees Raoul through his own life, but also helps his great-granddaughter find the truth about healers, about Rubis and, most importantly, about the unshakeable code of loyalty, responsibility and consequence that rules the people she calls family.

"I stepped gingerly into the poetic waters of this novel about two Gaspé families who move to Alberta, but before long I was swept away by the irresistible currents of Talon's narrative, willingly caught by the net of interwoven generations, and by the fascinating mix of love and violence, religion and witchcraft that carried these people through over a century of Canada's history. A stunning achievement."
~ Timothy Findley

“Paulette has honoured the travel to the underbelly of her dreams. She’s done so with fierce courage and was rewarded with these voices which now speak.... Let her story weave its magic and its mystery to your visions.”
~ SkyDancer Louise Bernice Halfe